Wednesday 17 June 2009

Sunday 4 May 2008

Sunday Again

I think it must be something about Sunday evenings.
Do you ever feel like pressing the reset button. I mean on all aspects of life...spiritual, relationships, work, exercise, interests, everything. Like I want to be a fresh person. The same, but fresher. I want to do everything better.
When we move to a new place (I'm thinking of Philadelphia) we can re-invent ourselves. We are no longer seen within the context of our family and background, so nobody will say "Hey, that's not you!" if we behave or dress a little differently.
Now I'm NOT saying that there's anything wrong with my family or my country. Not at all. I am outstandingly fortunate on both accounts. It's just that sometimes I want to start again and try a completely different approach in some aspects, without anyone noticing.

Sunday 10 February 2008

To prove the point, that I just make it up as I go along, here's a portrait of my dad, in progress.

Sunday 27 January 2008

Toddler Steps

Um...this is like the've been thinking about my friends and how I'm not so good at keeping in touch but I love to see your photos on all these fancy sites so I'm trying one.
I think I'm supposed to tell you what I'm up to too.
I have an exhibition starting on Wednesday.
I am getting old because I go for a run sometimes and I really believe it makes me feel good. Try it. I don't have any matching gear though.

I enjoy talking to Ian who I share a studio with. In conversation and I suppose in blogging, posting, showing photos, we often make out our lives to be perfectly polished.
It's good to admit that a lot of the time we don't really know what we're doing.
When I'm painting a portrait, it's a process of discovery. I often pretend that I know what I'm doing, but I love to paint people I can be blundering with, dropping brushes, sighing, scratching my head. I feel at ease that way.
Do you know what you're doing?